I recently finished a presentation called “Building a Renewable Entertainment Franchise” for Brain Candy, LLC that discusses a new model for building and managing entertainment content/franchises.
This presentation highlights the current challenges facing content owners in a digital age and offers one possible alternative to existing business models.
The Renewable Franchise Model does several things, but most notably, it mitigates issues of digital piracy, brings fans closer to the content they love, and provides a way for franchise owners to maintain a steady stream of content offerings. Brain Candy, LLC is built on the philosophies and beliefs in this presentation.
Brain Candy, LLC’s first renewable franchise offering, Runes of Gallidon, is a fantasy world of fiction, images, comics, audiobooks, digital games, and much more. The site officially emerged from beta and launched with a new design that I believe will help users jump into the content and make the experience of exploring the fantasy world much easier.
“Building a Renewable Entertainment Franchise” can be viewed/downloaded as a .pdf or viewed online as a slideshow (via slideshare; recommend you click on “Full” to view the presentation in a larger window):

“Building a Renewable Entertainment Franchise” by Scott Walker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.