I was recently invited to share my thoughts on co-creating value through collaborative entertainment with Disney’s Imagineering R&D department. Topics included creative collaboration, co-creating value with consumers, bridging fandom and canon, copyright, and (yes) transmedia (I’ve posted the presentation on slideshare). Given the company’s reputation for a heavy-handed approach to copyright enforcement, I harbored few […]
Stop telling/selling stories. Create Experiences.
I’ve been circling this concept for a while, mostly in the context of co-creating value with fans through a collaborative approach to commercial entertainment. The more I pushed around the word “storytelling,” the less I liked it. With a growing sense of discontent, I realized that the word connotes certain limitations that make it a […]
The Business of Collaborative Entertainment
I just finished C.K. Prahalad‘s latest book, The New Age of Innovation. Prahalad’s strategy writings are fairly standard M.B.A. reading (I consumed my share back in 2001), but none of his previous works resonated so deeply with me as this one. While Prahalad discusses many ideas in this book, one of his key concepts is […]
Inviting Fans to the Table of Canonicity
I recently watched Douglas Rushkoff‘s video presentation, “Whose Story is this Anyway? When Readers Become Writers” from the 2008 O’Reilly Tools of Change Conference. As Rushkoff points out, consumers of content often move from simple, passive consumption to an interactive mode over time. This leads to consumers using content in ways not desired or even […]