Two marketing examples (both in the video game industry) crossed my space this week. The first was something Simon Pulman brought to my attention: Electronic Arts’ “Community Challenge” to get 1 Million “Likes” on its Battlefield 3 Facebook page (see the details here). Basically, a hi-rez commercial will be released early if EA hits its […]
New Presentation: ‘From Works to Worlds’
Finally published the high-concept presentation on a new way to think about entertainment that takes a medium-agnostic approach to sourcing content, a transmedia approach to world-building and management, and a co-creative approach to value generation by encouraging audience participation in content creation. While the concept is built on the influences of countless books, blogs, and […]
So THAT happened
While crossing the street this morning on my way to an appointment, I was struck by something. A car. Happily and somewhat surprisingly, I suffered no broken bones and did not need stitches. I’m now safely home and resting, but I’m taking this as a sign to (literally) stop and smell the roses. I will […]
The (Meta) Museum of Jurassic Technology
Although I had visited the Museum of Jurassic Technology website and had been warned (a bit) about what it was before my first visit, I was unprepared for my experience yesterday. It helped that I wasn’t alone: Jenni Powell, Susan Cowan, and Matt Selznick served as my transmedial sherpas. “While the casual observer may, at […]
Fan-Forced Reader Behavior: DOA
Charlie Anders at io9 recently posted a rant about the segmentation of the science fiction genre, specifically how everyone’s seen the same movies, but it’s hard to find a handful of SF fans who have recently read the same book. Anders asks: “So how do you start making particular books into “must reads” for all […]