Day 23 stats:
Min. Daily Average Word Count: 1,667
Word Count Goal: 1,700
Actual Word Count: 0
Daily Word Count Score (words in excess of min daily average): -1,667
Total Word Count Score: 34,241
Chapters complete: 15
Spend the entire day catching up from the Futures of Entertainment 4 conference, plus heading down for the last regular class session of Henry Jenkins’ Transmedia Storytelling course at USC. Spending tonight with the family, as tomorrow night is booked with yet more business.
Falling behind in my writing as other obligations forced their way to the front kind of feels like watching a glass fall to the floor in slow motion from across the room – you know it’s going to be very bad when it hits the ground, but you also know there isn’t anything you can do about it.
Trying not to stress about being behind; I know it will only make the next writing session that much harder.