In a stroke of what can only be called good fortune, Digital Book World has given me the opportunity to write a series of articles about applying the principles of value co-creation to publishing. Over the next several months, I’ll be circling around the topic in general as well as providing specific examples. Look for […]
“Standing in Line” is a User Interface for Content
Remember when people used to line up days or weeks in advance of a theatrical release of a movie? They still do, though it’s usually for a music concert or a new iPhone. Their sacrifice is as much a part of the content user interface (think “experience”) as speakers or bragging rights to a freshly […]
The Battlefield of Parity and Portals
Two marketing examples (both in the video game industry) crossed my space this week. The first was something Simon Pulman brought to my attention: Electronic Arts’ “Community Challenge” to get 1 Million “Likes” on its Battlefield 3 Facebook page (see the details here). Basically, a hi-rez commercial will be released early if EA hits its […]
Interview at Turnstyle News
Noah Nelson at Turnstyle News interviews me about participatory entertainment, shared story worlds, and transmedia. This interview could have easily gone on for hours – so much to cover, between transmedia, fandom, shared worlds, religion, education, the ‘Transmedia, Hollywood 2’ conference, etc. Plus, Noah’s got some cool creative ideas of his own (which he […]
Interview at Turnstyle News
Noah Nelson at Turnstyle News interviews me about participatory entertainment, shared story worlds, and transmedia.