I have come to despise all unqualified statements. Discussions about digital piracy, transmedia/crossmedia, whether user-generated content (UGC) can ever be ‘good,’ and whether coffee beans really do voluntarily roast themselves in the presence of Chuck Norris tend to quickly devolve into polarized arguments, not open exchanges where the intent is to have your opinions challenged […]
My Take on Disney’s Take180
I was recently invited to share my thoughts on co-creating value through collaborative entertainment with Disney’s Imagineering R&D department. Topics included creative collaboration, co-creating value with consumers, bridging fandom and canon, copyright, and (yes) transmedia (I’ve posted the presentation on slideshare). Given the company’s reputation for a heavy-handed approach to copyright enforcement, I harbored few […]
Q: What’s the Value of Content?
A: Whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Not what it cost you to produce or acquire it. Not what you feel or believe it is worth. Not what you sold it for yesterday, last week, last month, or last year. After watching a series of comments on a “hey, here’s how to make […]
Piracy is Advertising
Two things happened Wednesday that got me thinking about piracy, digital content, and advertising. The first was meeting Faris Yakob at Henry Jenkins’ Transmedia Storytelling class at USC. Yakob talked about his experiences incorporating transmedial approaches in his job as the EVP Chief Technology Strategist at McCann Erickson New York and gave this presentation about […]
Inviting Fans to the Table of Canonicity
I recently watched Douglas Rushkoff‘s video presentation, “Whose Story is this Anyway? When Readers Become Writers” from the 2008 O’Reilly Tools of Change Conference. As Rushkoff points out, consumers of content often move from simple, passive consumption to an interactive mode over time. This leads to consumers using content in ways not desired or even […]