Techcrunch is reporting J.K. Rowling’s latest lawsuit, this time against Apparently some Scribd users have been uploading illegal copies of Rowling’s works, which is, clearly, not right. Suing Scribd, however, doesn’t seem like the appropriate response, either. DMCA/safe harbor would appear to apply, meaning Rowling should be going after the users who have uploaded […]
Making of Gallidon, Part 6 – “Free Means Free”
One of the earlier realizations I had about handling content on the site was that if content can be digitized, the upsides of offering free digital copies far outweighed the downsides of not monetizing digital copies. Just the idea of trying to lock up the content seemed counter-productive to building an audience, if not outright […]
Do Something to Talk About
There’s an old adage about writing, which goes something like, “If you want to be a writer, then write.” Like a lot of things in life, there’s the talking about and then there’s the doing, and the gulf between the two keeps most of us in the talking camp. I finally, after three years and […]
Learning to write
I have, for over three years, harbored an idea for a novel or collection of short stories that would allow me to explore (and re-visit) the roots of my first two degrees and combine that with a life-long fascination I have had with Japan. Having ignored both my B.A. in English (emphasis in creative writing) […]