50,000 words. 21 days. No problem.
Collection of NaNoWriMo Tips
I’m jumping back into the NaNoWriMo fray this year (follow along and friend me if you are, too!). After taking last year off from NaNoWriMo, I thought I’d brush up on the collective advice from the Interwebz about this crazy scribe sprint. Here’s a list of my favorite posts (in no particular order): […]
Where I’m going, where I’ve been…
The last month or so has been a blur, and with so much going on, I thought I’d pull the various events and conferences together in one post. Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Brian Seth Hurst of The Opportunity Management Company. Brian hosts a regular video column at InteractiveTV […]
NaNoWriMo 2010 – Leave the Internet, Take the Shovels
So, this year’s installment of NaNoWriMo got off to a less than stellar start. I was behind on day one, and it only got worse as the week wore on. Total word count the end of day 7: 2,684 (v. the minimum goal of 11,667). It didn’t help that I started last week with a […]
NaNoWriMo – Tipless Advice
Last year I made my first attempt at the NaNoWriMo challenge: write at least a 50,000 word novel from start to finish during the month of November. The resulting novel was garbage (and is still stuck in editing), but the experience was incredibly valuable. There are plenty of posts out there about how to make […]