I was flattered to be a guest on the fourth installment of the Transmedia Talk podcast series hosted by Robert Pratten and Nick Braccia. We talk about new models of commercial entertainment, participatory entertainment, and (of course!) transmedia storytelling, and Haley Moore and Dee Cook give a rundown of the latest ARG experience from NoMimes […]
Remix Fiction Interview
Had the pleasure of being invited to sit down across the virtual desk that is Skype from Martin Aggett of Remix Fiction. Very grateful to Martin for giving me the opportunity to discuss Brain Candy, LLC on his show. Remix Fiction Television Episode #730 (Scott Walker) from Martin Aggett on Vimeo.
New Brain Candy, LLC presentation: Co-creating Value through Collaborative Entertainment
Uploaded a new Brain Candy, LLC marketing presentation that summarizes the approaches, philosophies, and framework considerations for co-creating value with audiences. While it’s focused on collaborative commercial entertainment properties, it has applications outside of commercial entertainment (also posted on the Brain Candy, LLC home page and on my personal Slideshare account).
“Co-creating Value through Collaborative Entertainment”
A new Brain Candy, LLC marketing presentation that summarizes the approaches, philosophies, and framework considerations for co-creating value with audiences.
Stop telling/selling stories. Create Experiences.
I’ve been circling this concept for a while, mostly in the context of co-creating value with fans through a collaborative approach to commercial entertainment. The more I pushed around the word “storytelling,” the less I liked it. With a growing sense of discontent, I realized that the word connotes certain limitations that make it a […]