Tyler Weaver graciously allowed me to wax transmedial over at his Multi-Hyphenate blog, and the first of three posts is now up. The short series explores the idea that transmedia properties, especially collaborative ones that encourage audience contribution, need to include a certain degree of imperfection-as-incompleteness in their design. Audiences need a foundation and framework […]
Remix Fiction Interview, part deux
The second installment of my interview series at Remix Fiction is up, in which I discuss transmedia and fail to name check Andrea Phillips as one of the driving forces behind the Transmedia Artists Guild: Remix Fiction Television Episode #730.1 (Scott Walker) from Martin Aggett on Vimeo. For more information about the Transmedia Artists Guild, […]
My interview at The Business Insider
Earlier this week I was interviewed by Heather Leonard at The Business Insider about my company, Brain Candy, LLC, and its first internally produced entertainment property, Runes of Gallidon. It was just one part of an amazing whirlwind trip to NYC where I was able to: – have dinner with Ivan Askwith, Cheryl Furjanic, and […]