I’m launching a new project and am looking for entertainment properties that meet a specific set of criteria: 1) Commercial The property has to be commercial in nature, meaning there is a legal way to monetize content in the property. 2) Participatory The property must provide a means for audiences to participate in the property […]
Interview at Publishing Perspectives
Daniel Kalder interviews me for Publishing Perspectives about participatory entertainment and handling intellectual property rights within collaborative commercial entertainment.
New Presentation: ‘From Works to Worlds’
Finally published the high-concept presentation on a new way to think about entertainment that takes a medium-agnostic approach to sourcing content, a transmedia approach to world-building and management, and a co-creative approach to value generation by encouraging audience participation in content creation. While the concept is built on the influences of countless books, blogs, and […]
Interviewed by Emily Williams at Digital Book World – part 2
The second part of my interview with Digital Book World‘s Emily Williams is now up: http://www.digitalbookworld.com/2010/life-at-the-bleeding-edge-of-collaboration/ This part focuses on Brain Candy, LLC‘s first collaborative commercial entertainment property, Runes of Gallidon. Thanks to Emily and the DBW team for highlighting new models of entertainment creation! You can read part one of the interview here.
Guest on ‘Transmedia Talk’ podcast
I chat with Robert Pratten and Nick Braccia about participatory entertainment and transmedia on their podcast, Transmedia Talk