Remix Fiction has posted a third installment of my interview series; this time Martin Aggett and I discuss Brain Candy, LLC’s collaborative commercial entertainment model. Remix Fiction Television Episode #730.2 (Scott Walker) from Martin Aggett on Vimeo. Also, be sure to check out “The Making of Martin Aggett” project over at Wreck a Movie:
My Collaborative Commercial Entertainment Article in Issue 2.1 of ‘Ontologica’
The second issue of Ontologica, which contains an article I wrote, has just been published. The article’s focus is an introduction to the considerations involved in creating or extending an entertainment property into the collaborative commercial space. I am pleased to see more properties being launched that are natively collaborative as well as commercial (in […]
Remix Fiction Interview
Had the pleasure of being invited to sit down across the virtual desk that is Skype from Martin Aggett of Remix Fiction. Very grateful to Martin for giving me the opportunity to discuss Brain Candy, LLC on his show. Remix Fiction Television Episode #730 (Scott Walker) from Martin Aggett on Vimeo.
The Narrative (and Collaborative) Gutter of Transmedia Storytelling
My last post touched briefly on a topic I call narrative sequencing, which refers to the order in which an audience experiences the individual pieces of content of a transmedia property. I want to explore that concept a bit more in this post. ***** A few months ago, I woke up in the gutter, feeling […]
New Brain Candy, LLC presentation: Co-creating Value through Collaborative Entertainment
Uploaded a new Brain Candy, LLC marketing presentation that summarizes the approaches, philosophies, and framework considerations for co-creating value with audiences. While it’s focused on collaborative commercial entertainment properties, it has applications outside of commercial entertainment (also posted on the Brain Candy, LLC home page and on my personal Slideshare account).