We just got a new presentation up at the Brain Candy, LLC shop that is a high-level summary of how we apply our collaborative approach to entertainment content (here is a direct link). The model is incredibly flexible and scalable, and it generates new revenue streams for entertainment properties of many shapes and sizes (movies, […]
‘Building a Collaborative Entertainment Property’
A high-level summary of how Brain Candy, LLC applies its Collaborative Property Model to entertainment content.
Q: What’s the Value of Content?
A: Whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Not what it cost you to produce or acquire it. Not what you feel or believe it is worth. Not what you sold it for yesterday, last week, last month, or last year. After watching a series of comments on a “hey, here’s how to make […]
‘Building a Renewable Entertainment Franchise’
A summary of the Renewable Franchise Model developed by Brain Candy, LLC and used to build the collaborative commercial entertainment property, Runes of Gallidon.